The Importance of Quality Sleep During Retirement

Posted by Darian Dozier on Jun 18, 2024 4:03:00 PM

Retirement marks a significant milestone in life—a time to embrace new experiences, pursue passions, and enjoy well-deserved relaxation. While retirement offers freedom from the daily grind of work, it also presents unique opportunities and challenges, particularly when it comes to sleep. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of sleep during retirement, common sleep issues retirees face, and practical tips for improving sleep quality in this new phase of life.

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Topics: elderly sleep

Dementia and Increased Sleep

Posted by Darian Dozier on Jan 8, 2024 8:44:00 PM

If you know someone with dementia, you may notice that they tend to sleep a lot. People with dementia, especially those who are in their later stages of dementia spend a lot of time sleeping. Sometimes this can be a point of concern for caregivers and family members. Continue reading to learn more about why your family member might be sleeping so much.

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Reasons Why Your Elderly Family Members Sleep So Much

Posted by Darian Dozier on Jan 5, 2024 8:36:00 PM

Do you ever visit your elderly grandparents, aunt or uncle, or even parent, and wonder why they're sleeping so much? If you work around older individuals in any capacity, you may realize that sleeping a lot is more common than not. As individuals get older, they are more likely to spend more of their days sleeping. The aging process can be pretty brutal on the body and can easily fatigue one out. Also, elderly individuals experience a decline in their quality of night time sleep. This increases their amount of excessive daytime sleepiness, encouraging them to take more naps during the day to make up that sleep that they're losing. Sometimes they can't really get comfortable because of their aches and pains that they experience. They may have to get up and go to the restroom multiple times because that is also just another part of aging. There are just some of the reasons that elderly individuals struggle to get sleep, therefore they make up what they're missing during the day. This means that they are taking multiple naps, doze off as soon as they sit down, or going to bed really early.

As an onlooker you may be worried if this is too much sleeping. However, if you're elderly loved one seems to be sleeping more during the day, it may or may not be cause for concern. A visit to the doctor may help you uncover some sort of underlying health problem that makes them extra tired. Continue reading learning some common issues that seniors may face that causes them to sleep all day.

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Risks of Sleep Aids for Older Adults

Posted by Darian Dozier on Sep 7, 2022 6:54:00 AM

It is no secret that older individuals may struggle more with insomnia than any other group. This is due to a variety of physiological changes that make it harder to get a good night's sleep. 

For most insomniacs, the best solution is a pharmaceutical intervention. However, for older adults, sleeping pills may not be the best first-line solution. This is due to the fact that sleeping pills have more adverse reactions and increased risks for older adults, than they do for other populations. Continue reading for more information on how sleep aids affect older adults. 

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How a Later Weekday Bedtime can Increase Risk for a Heart Attack

Posted by Darian Dozier on Jan 10, 2022 10:47:00 AM

As we age, our circadian rhythm changes which can impact what time we need to go to sleep. The older we get, the earlier we are supposed to go to bed for an earlier wake time. This is due to many factors including changing eyesight (which can make us less sensitive to changes in light during the day), changing levels of melatonin, and other brain functions or hormone changes.

Research has supported the link between sleeping and health issues, including cardiovascular health disease. A recent study looked at bedtime and risk for myocardial infarction, or heart attack. Continue reading to find out more about this relationship and the relationship between sleep and heart health in general. 

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