Overview of Sleep Attacks

Posted by Tyler Britton on Sep 3, 2021 2:29:00 PM

What is a Sleep Attack?

Sleep attacks are the sudden, often irresistible urge to sleep at odd times, such as the middle of a meeting. They have a very quick onset, even in the middle of doing normal activities, and can be hard to resist, even if you just woke up. Sleep attacks can be a serious safety problem in certain professions and during certain activities like driving.

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What It’s Like to Experience Sleep Attacks

Posted by Tyler Britton on Feb 25, 2020 8:00:00 AM

What are Sleep Attacks?

Sleep attacks are sudden and intense urges to sleep at unusual times, such as in the middle of the day. These urges can range from a sudden feeling of tiredness to an irresistible need to sleep. They are not the same as feeling sleepy after a big meal or due to lack of sleep - sleep attacks strike suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, and can be incredibly powerful.

Due to their unpredictable nature, sleep attacks can be dangerous. For instance, experiencing a sleep attack while driving or operating heavy machinery can lead to accidents and even loss of life. It is crucial for individuals who frequently experience sleep attacks to seek immediate attention from their doctor or a sleep specialist.

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Overview of Sleep Attacks

Posted by Tyler Britton on Jan 26, 2020 10:00:00 AM

What is a Sleep Attack?

Sleep attacks are sudden and overpowering urges to sleep that occur at unexpected times, such as during a meeting. They strike swiftly, interrupting your normal activities and making you feel as if you just woke up and immediately need to go back to sleep. These sleep attacks can pose a serious safety risk in certain professions and activities like driving.

It's important to note that sleep attacks are not the same as feeling tired after a meal or hitting a wall of exhaustion at night, although they share a similar intensity. They are commonly associated with the sleep disorder narcolepsy, with frequent sleep attacks being a primary symptom of this condition.

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