Why Keep a Sleep Diary

Posted by Tyler Britton on Jul 28, 2021 2:03:00 PM

What is a Sleep Diary?

A sleep diary is a record of your sleeping, including all of the aspects of your sleep. This includes data about your sleep, patterns of sleep, and sleep habits in order to identify potential problems that could signal an underlying sleep disorder. Sleep diaries are generally kept over a period of at least two weeks, but the longer the better. 

Sleep diaries might be requested of you by your doctor or a sleep center in order to get more accurate data about your sleeping.

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Topics: Sleep Diary

Why You Should Keep a Sleep Diary

Posted by ANCSLEEP BLOG on Mar 17, 2021 11:21:00 AM

Do you wake up earlier than you’d like or have trouble falling asleep at night and staying asleep? Are you excessively tired throughout the day and/or having difficulty concentrating at work or school? Do you rely heavily on caffeine to keep you awake? Does the sleep you do get feel restorative, or does it feel inadequate? If you said “yes” to any of these questions, there is a chance that you suffer from a sleep disorder.

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What is a Sleep Diary

Posted by Tyler Britton on Sep 24, 2019 9:31:56 AM

What is a Sleep Diary?

A sleep diary is a record of your sleeping that includes all of the aspects of your sleep such as patterns and habits in order to identify potential problems that should incur a sleep study. Sleep diaries are generally kept over a period of at least two weeks, however, longer durations are often better for more information.  

Sleep diaries might be requested of you by your doctor or a sleep center in order to get more accurate data about your sleeping throughout the process of working up your sleep concerns.

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Topics: Sleep Diary

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