The liver is a vital organ responsible for numerous functions, including detoxification, metabolism, and the production of important proteins. When the liver is compromised due to conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver disease, or other liver disorders, it can have far-reaching effects on overall health—including sleep. In this blog post, we’ll delve into how liver disease can impact sleep, the specific challenges faced by those with liver conditions, and tips for improving sleep quality if you or a loved one is dealing with liver disease.
Understanding the Link Between Liver Disease and Sleep
What Sleep Does at the Cellular Level: The Science Behind Rest and Recovery
Sleep is often viewed as a time of rest and inactivity, but beneath the surface, your body is hard at work, especially at the cellular level. While you sleep, countless processes occur that are vital for your health and well-being. From repairing DNA to removing toxins, sleep plays a critical role in maintaining cellular health. In this blog post, we'll explore what happens at the cellular level during sleep and why it’s so essential for your body and mind.
High-profile celebrity deaths like Bob Saget and Ray Liotta may have you questioning your own safety as you close your eyes at night. Especially as we age, each breath becomes that much more precious as anything could happen at any time. Although there is very little control over when our bodies decide we have reached our end, there are some things we can do to ensure optimal health to give ourselves a little bit more reassurance when we lay our heads down to sleep. Continue reading for 5 ways to keep yourself healthy before getting some Zzz's.
Melatonin is a natural hormone that is produced by the body at night. It is controlled by the amount of light that is allowed into the eye. It helps the body wind down and get ready for bed. Sometimes, when the body does not produce enough melatonin, there are exogenous options, or melatonin pills that can help those who are having trouble falling asleep. However, those supplements come with some potential problems of which you need to be aware. Continue reading to find out some things about melatonin that should give you pause before depending heavily on that supplement for good sleep.
The midday slump is the antithesis of getting things done during the day. It can happen mid morning to mid afternoon as you're counting down the time to be done. Maybe you are a student and trying to stay awake in class. Or, perhaps you're in meetings all day and finding it hard to stay awake. Here are some tips to stay productive and alert when you start to get tired.
Has your sleep been turned upside down? Or maybe you've never gotten good sleep. Either way, it's essential to get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep. Without it, you put yourself at risk for sleep deprivation, which leads to excessive daytime sleepiness, mood dysregulation, trouble concentrating and memory problems. Here are some ways to turn your sleep habits around, or maybe even develop them, so you can get optimal sleep.
There is a gland in your neck called the thyroid. It produces thyroid hormone that is responsible for regulating many processes in your body. When the gland no longer produces these hormones, it can have detrimental effects on many processes, including sleep. Continue reading to find out if your thyroid may be the reason you're having trouble sleeping.
Reasons You May Fall Asleep at Work (And how to Prevent it)
Falling asleep at work can be embarrassing and calls for disciplinary action, especially if you work in a place that absolutely requires your devote attention (e.g. schools, warehouse, etc.). Sometimes it feels like this enormous weight of sleep is upon you and there is nothing you can do but succumb to it. If it happens every now and again then it may be behavioral. But, if it's happening all the time, that can be cause for concern. Continue reading to find out why you may be falling asleep at work and how to prevent it.
Exhaustion from not getting enough sleep is fairly easy to recognize, and the solution seems fairly straightforward, if you can improve your sleeping patterns. However, emotional exhaustion, is a different type of exhaustion that can be harder to overcome. In this article, we will talk more about what emotional exhaustion is, and how it can impact sleep. We will then finish with a discussion on how to overcome and, better yet prevent, emotional exhaustion.
Cortisol is known as the stress hormone in your body. It is released from the hypothalamic-pituitary axis (HPA) which is a part of your brain that is responsible for the release of several key hormones in your body. Cortisol has a variety of functions, and when normal, is essential for key body functions. However, when levels of cortisol are abnormal, there are some key consequences, including your sleep. Continue reading to find out how cortisol affects your sleep.