Changing Sleeping Patterns in the Changing Seasons: How to Thrive Year-Round

Posted by Darian Dozier on Oct 18, 2024 9:07:00 AM

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As the seasons shift, our bodies and sleeping patterns tend to follow suit. Whether it's the longer days of summer, the cozy nights of winter, or the transitions in between, understanding and adapting to these seasonal changes is crucial for maintaining a healthy sleep routine. In this blog post, we'll explore the impact of seasonal changes on our sleep and offer tips on how to thrive year-round by adjusting your sleeping patterns accordingly.

The Impact of Seasonal Changes on Sleep

Our bodies have an internal biological clock, known as the circadian rhythm, which regulates our sleep-wake cycle. This clock is influenced by external factors, including daylight and temperature, which vary with the changing seasons. Here's how seasonal changes can affect your sleep:

  • Longer Days of Summer: The extended daylight hours in summer can disrupt your sleep routine, making it challenging to fall asleep at your usual bedtime. The increased exposure to natural light can affect your body's production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep.

  • Darker Winter Nights: In contrast, the shorter, darker days of winter can lead to a desire for more sleep, causing many to feel lethargic and prone to oversleeping.

  • Seasonal Allergies: Spring and fall can bring seasonal allergies that may lead to breathing difficulties, snoring, and other sleep disruptions.

  • Temperature Variations: Changes in temperature between seasons can affect your comfort during sleep. Extreme heat or cold can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Tips for Adapting Your Sleep Patterns to the Seasons

  1. Maximize Natural Light Exposure: In the summer, take advantage of early morning sunlight to help reset your circadian rhythm. Conversely, in the winter, try to spend time outdoors during daylight hours to combat feelings of drowsiness.

  2. Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment: Adjust the temperature, bedding, and pajamas to match the season. Use light, breathable bedding in the summer and opt for warmer, cozy options in the winter.

  3. Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Stick to a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends. This consistency can help mitigate the disruptions caused by seasonal changes.

  4. Use Blackout Curtains: Invest in blackout curtains to block out excess daylight in the summer and keep your bedroom dark during the early mornings of the winter.

  5. Manage Allergies: If you suffer from seasonal allergies, consult with a healthcare professional to find the right treatment options to minimize sleep disruptions.

  6. Stay Active: Regular exercise can help regulate your sleep patterns year-round. It boosts your mood and can offset some of the drowsiness that can accompany seasonal changes.

  7. Mind Your Diet: Pay attention to what you eat and drink, particularly before bedtime. Avoid heavy, spicy, or caffeine-containing foods close to bedtime.

  8. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Incorporate relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga into your routine to help you cope with stress and anxiety related to seasonal changes.


Our sleeping patterns are intimately tied to the changing seasons. By understanding the impact of seasonal variations on your sleep and making appropriate adjustments, you can maintain a consistent and restful sleep routine throughout the year. Whether it's adapting to the long days of summer or the cozy nights of winter, prioritizing your sleep health will ensure you thrive year-round and wake up feeling refreshed and energized, regardless of the season.

If you or someone you love are continuing to have sleeping trouble, that may be a sign of an underlying problem. Please click the orange button below to take a free online sleep test and talk with one of our sleep health professionals. 

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