Blackout Curtains - Pros and Cons on Sleep

Posted by Darian Dozier on Dec 29, 2021 8:11:00 AM

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If you are a shift worker, or line in a place with an abnormal exposure of light, then blackout curtains may be something you're considering. They block light so you can get sleep whether it's the middle of the day or not. Even though blackout curtains have some great benefits, there are also a couple of cons to be aware of. Continue reading to find out more about blackout curtains. 

What are blackout curtains? 

Blackout curtains are curtains made of really thick material that block out either 100% of light, or close to it. They are made to keep a room completely dark and insulated, regardless what time it is. They are available as thick curtains that you can hang up, or shades that you can have installed. 

If you are having trouble sleeping because of light exposure, then it may be really important for you to consider buying blackout curtains. For example, if you live in Alaska, and it is during the months where the sun is up pretty much all day, every day, then blackout curtains may help you get the rest that you need. 

Additionally, if you work the night shift and have to sleep during the day, it may be hard to get the full recommended 7-9 hours of sleep because the light of the day tells your brain it's time to wake up. Blackout curtains may be the perfect solution to this problem because it can trick your brain into thinking it's night time, therefore it will produce melatonin and lower your body temperature for optimal sleep. 

Pros of blackout curtains

There are several pros of blackout curtains that make them a really good investment, especially for someone who has a disruptive amount of light entering their windows. Below, are some of those pros: 

  1. Falling asleep is easier in a dark room. Darkness promotes relaxation and stimulates the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for the body's sleep-wake pattern. 
  2. Eyes become well rested in a dark room and get enough protection to be ready to go when it's time to wake up. 
  3. The risks of falling into depression are reduced. A study by Ohio State University Hospital found that sleeping in a lighted room disturbs circadian rhythm and that because our bodies cannot differentiate day and night, the mental imbalance may lead to depression.
  4. Sleeping in a dark room may prevent type 2 diabetes because proper melatonin production may reduce insulin resistance.   
  5. A darker room is more calming and makes it easier to maintain a healthy body weight. Sleep deprivation from stress or light disturbances can create increases in weight gain. By reducing this, one reduces the chance of weight accumulation.  

Cons of blackout curtains

Although there are so many benefits to sleeping in a dark room, it is important to recognize the cons of sleeping with blackout curtains. 

  1. Minimal natural light in the morning can create disturbances in circadian rhythm and make it difficult to wake up. Natural light influences the brain, telling it to begin waking up and getting ready for a new day. Without this cue, we may be groggy in the morning or find it hard to wake up and be on time. 
  2. Blackout curtains may disturb babies' sleep as well as they are unable to be awoken by natural light. This helps to establish their circadian rhythm as they are developing, and without this, it can make it difficult to establish sleep patterns. 

If the use of blackout curtains doesn't help you improve your sleep, then please click the button below to take our free online sleep test. 

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