What is Sleep Architecture?

Posted by Darian Dozier on Mar 13, 2023 8:04:00 AM

Sleep architecture is the basic pattern of normal sleep. There are two main types of sleep. Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM). NREM has three different stages, all of which have a different depth of sleep. They are identified by sleep experts through brain-wave patterns, eye movements and muscle tone. 

REM sleep is a stage all by itself and is the stage of "dreaming". This can be identified through higher levels of brain wave activity and being as close to being awake as possible. Continue reading to find out more about what sleep architecture is and associated conditions when it is disrupted. 

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5 Pillow Colors to Avoid for Good Sleep

Posted by Darian Dozier on Mar 8, 2023 7:18:00 AM

Your sleep environment can strongly impact your sleep quality and quantity. Sleep environment is not just the triad of cool, dark and quiet. Although that is extremely important, it is the entirety of which sleep environment consists. 

Sleep environment also includes the accessories in your room, the colors, and the furniture and accessories you have. If they are too stimulating and overwhelming, then that can be antagonistic towards your sleep efforts. One of the aspects of your environment that you may never have thought of, but that is important, is the pillow color. 

Certain colors are very stimulating for the brain, which can be antagonistic towards sleep efforts. Therefore, they should be avoided. Your pillow is what you lie on, so you brain may actually be being stimulated if you have one of the five colors listed below. 

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When should you replace your mattress?

Posted by Darian Dozier on Feb 1, 2023 7:27:00 PM

Sleep is one of the most vital pieces of human health. It is necessary for almost all bodily functions to run optimally, and without it, there are so many things we can't do. Our bodies turn into "low battery mode" and simply focus on getting us through the day. But, when we get great sleep, then we are able to accomplish so much because we feel good, motivated, and well-rested. 

One barrier to getting good sleep may actually be our mattress. If we are sleeping on an old, lumpy and uncomfortable mattress, then no matter how much time we spend in bed, it doesn't matter. Our bodies flop around all night trying to find a comfortable position to lie in. If this sounds like you, then it may be time to replace your mattress. Continue reading to find out if you have a couple of years left, or if you're overdue for a new set of springs. 

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Pillow or No Pillow? Implications for Better Sleep

Posted by Darian Dozier on Dec 2, 2022 7:11:00 PM

Some sleepers are pillow lovers while others are quite the opposite. Does it make a difference for your health? Potentially. You may be tempted to sleep without a pillow if you have neck or back pain. However, if you have trouble breathing at night due to heart issues, then you may want a pillow at night. There's no hard rule to whether or not sleeping with a pillow is good for you. Continue reading to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of sleeping with a pillow! 

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Hot While Sleeping? Here Are Some Possible Reasons Why!

Posted by Darian Dozier on Nov 25, 2022 6:51:00 PM

If you are hot while sleeping, it can severely ruin your sleep quality. For optimal sleep, you must be cool. Your body actually drops to about 96 degrees when you are sleeping. Therefore, your outside temperature needs to match that. Your sleeping environment should be anywhere from 66-70F degrees. If you feel very hot when you sleep, continue reading to learn possible causes, and what you can do. 

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Safe Sleeping for Infants

Posted by Darian Dozier on Mar 18, 2022 10:42:00 AM

Infants require the most sleep out of anyone, sleeping on average 14-17 hours. Some even reach as many as 18 or 19 hours a day, waking up every couple of hours to eat. As much as they sleep and as small and fragile as their bodies are, this puts infants at higher risk for SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome. It's important that you are aware of what safe sleeping looks like for infants and how you can make sure that your baby gets as much sleep as they need while maintaining optimal safety. 

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How to Choose a Mattress

Posted by Darian Dozier on Mar 14, 2022 4:33:00 AM

Choosing a mattress is very important for ensuring you get a good night's sleep. However, it can be so intimidating, and the last thing you want to do is make an expensive mistake. Here is a short guide of some things to consider when looking at how to choose a mattress.  

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Common Causes of Night Sweats and How to Fix Them

Posted by Darian Dozier on Mar 5, 2022 11:32:00 AM

Sweating is normal and is a way that the body regulates temperature. When you're working out or in the sauna, profuse sweating is expected. Waking up sweating in the middle of the night is another matter and not normal. Night sweats can be defined as sweating in excess of that required by the body to regulate body temperature. 

Night sweats can occur during sleep and without physical exertion. They don't have another cause such as a heavy blanket or warm room, but instead are rooted in other health issues. They can reduce sleep quality and concern your bed partner, as well as be the root of severe discomfort. Continue reading to find out more about what night sweats are and what you can do about them for better sleep. 

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How to Improve Sleep While Pregnant

Posted by Darian Dozier on Jan 26, 2022 8:15:00 AM

Sleeping while pregnant can be one of the most difficult things of the entire journey. Women's bodies are changing, becoming larger and taking on a new shape, all of which can impact the mechanics and comfort of sleeping. This can lead to many women feeling sleep deprived and having trouble getting through a full night's sleep. However, it's very important that pregnant women get enough sleep throughout their pregnancy. Women who are habitually sleep deprived often have more complications than those who got their recommended number of hours. Here are some tips and more information on how to sleep while pregnant. 

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The Best Background Noise for Falling Asleep

Posted by Darian Dozier on Dec 4, 2021 8:00:00 AM

When building your sleep environment, you cannot forget about noise. It may be suggested that sleeping in what is considered "black noise", or complete silence is the best option. However, that isn't true for everyone. Silence can be anxiety provoking for some and leave too much space for thinking. Falling asleep with the TV or loud music may not be productive either as these sounds can activate your brain and disrupt sleep. There are studies that have supported various types of noises. Read more to find out about the best background noise for falling asleep. 

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