The Best Foods to Eat Before Bed

Posted by Darian Dozier on Nov 24, 2021 8:00:00 AM

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Late-night snacks or late dinners are impossible to avoid forever. Sometimes the day just ends late, or you get hungry before bed. There is a lot of information on what's the latest time you should eat before bed, which can lead to some thinking they need to go to bed hungry. It's a good rule of thumb to eat at least two hours before bed so your body has time to digest food before you attempt to go to sleep. However, a growling stomach is just as counterproductive to sleep. It's better to eat a good snack or food that settles your hunger without upsetting your stomach. Here is a list of the best foods to eat before bed that won't interfere with your sleep. 


This nut is a great source of protein and also a yummy snack to eat before bed. It's packed with antioxidants which can help with the anti-inflammatory efforts of your body during sleep. It also has a good amount of magnesium, which is thought to play a role in sleep by interfering with cortisol, a stress hormone that can keep you awake. Almonds also have melatonin in them, which is the natural sleep hormone that your body already produces. A handful of almonds is the perfect serving size for a midnight snack. 


There's a reason that everyone wants to take a nap after Thanksgiving meal. It's because Turkey is a great sleep-inducing food. Turkey has a lot of protein in it which is responsible for appetite regulation and muscle repair during sleep. Some researchers think protein may help with sleep, so consuming protein before bed is a great strategy. The other reason that turkey is a great food to eat before bed is that it contains tryptophan, an amino acid that plays a role in the synthesis of melatonin. Therefore, it also boosts the body's natural melatonin-making factories. 


This yummy, tropical fruit is a great food to eat before bed. Kiwis are packed with folates and other essential minerals that help the body's repair process that happens throughout the night. Kiwis also include amounts of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes the brain happy. But serotonin also helps with sleep, so by increasing the amount of serotonin, kiwis can help you go to sleep. A study showed that 42% of participants in a study fell asleep faster after consuming kiwi than when they didn't eat anything before bed at all. Five percent had less wake times and 13% slept more. More research is needed but kiwis could be the best food to eat before bed for you. 

Fatty Fish 

Fatty fish like salmon, trout, and tuna are some of the best foods to eat before bed because of their high amount of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Both have been shown to enhance sleep quality and increase the amount of serotonin. In one study, men who ate fatty fish fell asleep 10 minutes faster than those who ate chicken, pork, or beef. Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their health benefits in protection against heart disease and how they boost brain health. 


Walnuts are another nut that is a great source of protein and many other vitamins and minerals. The high protein content is great for reducing hunger and satisfying appetite. In addition to having high protein content, walnuts also are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and linoleic acid which are great for anti-inflammation and heart health. Walnuts, like almonds, are also the best source of melatonin, boosting this body's natural hormone and helping you fall into a deep slumber. 

White Rice 

This unsuspecting addition to the list of the best foods to eat before bed is white rice. White rice is less nutritious than brown rice because of its lack of minerals and vitamins, as well as its high glycemic index. High glycemic index foods are those that can rapidly spike your blood sugar. This spike may be beneficial for sleep as a study showed those who consumed white rice an hour before bed had better sleep than those who ate bread or noodles. However, due to rice's high glycemic index and lack of nutritious value, you must eat it in moderation. 

This list is a great starting point for adding some healthy late snacks that may also help improve your sleep quality. If you find yourself struggling with sleep, please click below to take this free online sleep test.


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