What It’s Like to Experience Sleep Attacks

Posted by Tyler Britton on Feb 25, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Wha its like to experience sleep attacks - Anchorage Sleep Center

What are Sleep Attacks?

Sleep attacks are sudden and intense urges to sleep at unusual times, such as in the middle of the day. These urges can range from a sudden feeling of tiredness to an irresistible need to sleep. They are not the same as feeling sleepy after a big meal or due to lack of sleep - sleep attacks strike suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, and can be incredibly powerful.

Due to their unpredictable nature, sleep attacks can be dangerous. For instance, experiencing a sleep attack while driving or operating heavy machinery can lead to accidents and even loss of life. It is crucial for individuals who frequently experience sleep attacks to seek immediate attention from their doctor or a sleep specialist.

What Causes Sleep Attacks?

Sleep attacks are most commonly associated with narcolepsy. The old cliché depicting someone with narcolepsy falling asleep in the middle of doing something are actually representing a severe sleep attack. Usually, sleep attacks are not so severe that someone falls asleep immediately (though it can happen), but they are usually severe enough for someone to need to lie down for a few minutes. Not all narcoleptics suffer from sleep attacks, but it is a hallmark symptom of the disorder.

How to identify Narcolepsy symptoms - Anchorage Sleep CenterLearn how to identify narcolepsy symptoms in this article - click the picture to read the article

Other hallmark symptoms of narcolepsy that may accompany sleep attacks include:

  • Persistent fatigue
  • Cataplexy
  • Sleep paralysis, which may be accompanied by hallucinations

Sleep attacks, essentially, are caused by REM sleep showing up when it’s not supposed to.

What is it Like to Experience a Sleep Attack?

Sleep attacks strike abruptly and unexpectedly, without any discernible pattern. The onset is marked by an overwhelming sense of exhaustion, leaving you with two options: finding a serene spot to rest or succumbing to sleep right where you are.

While sleep attacks catch you off guard, individuals with narcolepsy often have a fleeting sense of their impending arrival, albeit with limited time to prepare. These sudden bouts of drowsiness can interrupt any activity, whether it be a monotonous lecture, mundane task, or even a vigorous endeavor like intimate moments or intense workouts.

In some cases, a sleep attack can lead to a disconcerting scenario where the victim continues their actions, be it typing, driving, or conversing, without any recollection of the events that transpired. The inherent danger in such situations is evident, posing a serious risk to personal safety.

What Should You Do If You Have Sleep Attacks

We all experience episodes of sudden tiredness from time to time, and sometimes without any clear reason. But chronic sleep attacks are a different story – and they will likely interfere with your daily activities like work, school, and driving.

If you are experiencing sleep attacks with frequency, you may consider consulting with your doctor or a sleep specialist immediately. After that, you may do a sleep test where you are monitored for telltale symptoms of narcolepsy in order to either provide a diagnosis or rule it out as a possibility for causing your sleep attacks. Please get in contact with one of our sleep health professionals by clicking the orange button below to take a free online sleep test. 

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