What a Sleep Study Can Determine About Your Mental Health

Posted by Darian Dozier on May 22, 2023 7:26:00 AM

Sleep is vital for your overall health and mental health. Whether you aren't able to fall asleep easily, or experience too many waketimes throughout the night, the impact on your mental health can be severe. 

The brain does a lot of restoration and recharging throughout the night, during sleep. If sleep is fragmented, or simply doesn't happen, then this can increase the risk for mental health disorders, fatigue, and increased stress levels.

Sleep is essential, and your sleep habits can tell you a lot about your mental health. So what's the best way to learn your sleep habits? Through a sleep study. Continue reading to learn more about what a sleep study can help you determine about your mental health. 

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Sleep and Borderline Personality Disorder

Posted by Darian Dozier on Apr 3, 2023 9:03:00 AM

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a psychiatric mood disorder that consists of fluctuating emotions, threats of self-harm, and attention seeking behavior. BPD requires various modalities of treatment, including psychotherapy, medication, and behavioral interventions. 

One activity that may help reduce the severity of the symptoms of BPD is sleeping. Insomnia treatment may be important for managing BPD symptoms according to a recent study. Continue reading to find out more about this relationship, and ways to improve sleep in patients with BPD. 

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Sleep Tips for Women

Posted by Darian Dozier on Mar 29, 2023 8:28:00 AM

Research shows that 1 in 4 women have at least one symptom of insomnia. That could be difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or some combination of the two. Women are 40% more likely to have insomnia at some point in their life compared to men, even though women actually need more sleep than men. 

Different sleep strategies could be helpful depending on the source of insomnia. Here are some common sleep tips that could help women, specifically, in terms of treating their insomnia. 

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How Schizophrenia can Disrupt Sleep

Posted by Darian Dozier on Mar 27, 2023 8:46:00 AM

Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder that is characterized b y hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized or paranoid thinking. 

This condition is lifelong, and often needs treatment for the entirety of one's life. Schizophrenia first appears in one's mid 20s, but it can occur earlier or later. 

Some original symptoms include disruption to your usual sleep pattern and can lead to insomnia and increased sleep latency. Circadian rhythm disruption is also an early sign of schizophrenia and can appear prior to any delusions, hallucinations, or other noticeable symptoms. 

The relationship between schizophrenia and sleep are closely related, and understanding the relationship may help with management and treatment. Continue reading to find out more about this relationship. 

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Sleep

Posted by Darian Dozier on Jan 30, 2023 6:59:00 PM

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a psychiatric disorder of an intense feeling of anxiety about most aspects of life. It consists of the inability to manage your stress and form appropriate reactions to stressors and non-stressors. Aside from being fairly debilitating towards most aspects of your life, GAD can also negatively affect sleep.

Not only can GAD affect sleep, but a lack of sleep can further contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. This bidirectional relationship makes sleep an important factor to care for in the treatment of GAD, but sometimes GAD has to be treated in order to improve one's sleep health. Continue reading to find out more about this relationship and what the most appropriate management tips are. 

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Topics: mental health

Sleep and Bipolar Disorder

Posted by Darian Dozier on Aug 8, 2022 9:22:00 AM

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that can affect one's ability to control their moods. Although someone who is moody or seems to switch personalities is colloquially called "bipolar", the actual definition refers to the fluctuation between depressed moods and manic moods. Sleep plays are large role in highlighting bipolar, and bipolar disorder can truly disrupt one's sleep schedule. Continue reading to find out more about bipolar disorder and its' relationship with sleep. 

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Topics: mental health

How Sleep Journaling Helps You Sleep

Posted by Darian Dozier on Feb 25, 2022 5:38:00 AM

Going to bed can be very difficult due to the swirling thoughts going on in your head. However, if you could journal every night before you went to bed, you may see significant improvement in your ability to fall asleep faster. Continue reading to find out how sleep journaling can help you sleep. 

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How Sleep Can Reduce Your Risk of Dementia

Posted by Darian Dozier on Jan 6, 2022 8:00:00 AM

Did you know that you can sleep your way to better mental health? Sure that may not be new news, but there is increasing evidence that those who sleep better can reduce their risk of developing dementia and, eventually, death. There are multiple theories as to why this may happen, so this article will dive into the protective and risk factors, associated with sleep, of developing dementia. 

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How Sleep can Improve Longevity

Posted by Darian Dozier on Jan 4, 2022 8:05:00 AM

While you sleep there are a lot of processes that happen in the body. These processes are meant to reset your body from the damage done throughout the day so that way your body can continue to be healthy and strong and exactly what you need. When you don't get enough sleep then you don't allow your body this time to make the necessary repairs.

These unattended to repairs certainly add up and can lead to other health issues like hypertension, diabetes, obesity. This is why it is so important that you get the recommended 8 hours of sleep. This article will focus on how sleep can help increase the longevity of one's life.

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How Too Much or Too Little Sleep Can Cause Alzheimer's

Posted by Darian Dozier on Jan 3, 2022 7:21:00 AM

Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease that causes dementia. It is characterized by progressive dementia and forgetfulness that progresses to an inability to care for oneself. There is currently no cure for this disease, and several older Americans are currently living with it.

There have been several studies that show there is a strong genetic link in the predictive value of getting Alzheimer's. However a new research article published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has highlighted a link between Alzheimer's and too much or too little sleep. Continue reading to find out if your sleep habits may be putting you at increased risk.

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