Vitamin Deficiencies that can Impact Your Sleep

Posted by Darian Dozier on Apr 4, 2022 7:45:00 AM

Diet and sleep are interlinked in a variety of ways. Although more about this relationship still needs to be discovered, it's clear that there are a few elements of our diet that can impact our ability to get good quality sleep. Vitamins are an example of a nutrient that we must get enough of throughout the day to avoid health issues related to their deficiencies. Below is a list of 5 vitamin deficiencies that can affect your sleep. If you think you're deficient in any of these, it's important you talk to your doctor before running out and finding supplements, as toxicity and overdosing on vitamins is possible. 

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Improving Sleep if You Have Fibromyalgia

Posted by Darian Dozier on Apr 2, 2022 7:30:00 AM

Fibromyalgia is a somatic pain disorder that can be very hard to treat, and very disruptive to one's life. Sleep quality can be a great way to improve symptoms, but it's very difficult to get good sleep with fibromyalgia. If you are someone with fibromyalgia and you struggle with getting good sleep, then below we are going to talk about some remedies you can use to improve your sleep. 

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Iron Deficiency and Sleep

Posted by Darian Dozier on Jan 21, 2022 6:45:00 AM

Iron deficiency anemia is a very prevalent disease in the United States. It stems from having an iron shortage that impacts the blood's ability to properly transport oxygen throughout the body. These can lead to serious pain and even sleep disturbances. Treating anemia may help to relieve insomnia and other sleep problems. Continue reading to find out how anemia impacts sleep and what you can do to help treat it.  

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Sleep Disorders Linked to Heart Disease

Posted by Darian Dozier on Jan 7, 2022 8:00:00 AM

Sleep disorders have one thing in common, they interrupt sleep. Therefore, it's important that if you have a sleep disorder, you find the problem before the accumulation of interrupted sleep leads to chronic sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is more than just being tired. It can negatively impact several organ systems, including your heart. Heart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide, so it's important to do everything possible to maintain its health - including getting enough sleep. Continue reading to find out how common sleeping disorders can lead to cardiovascular disease!

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Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

Posted by Darian Dozier on Dec 30, 2021 8:00:00 AM

Periodic limb movement disorder is a rare sleeping disorder that involves random movement of extremities that should be “paralyzed” during deeper levels of sleep. This syndrome is similar to restless leg syndrome (RLS) however it is different because it involves random and periodic movement of all of the limbs and not the tingling sensation of restless leg syndrome. However this can co-occur with restless leg syndrome. Keep reading more to find out more about this rare disorder to see if you struggle from it and what you can do to get the help that you need.

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Topics: Sleep Disorders

How to Stop Ruminating for Better Sleep

Posted by Darian Dozier on Dec 29, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Rumination, the incessant loop of thoughts that refuse to let go, can be a major hindrance throughout the day and especially when it's time to sleep. When your mind is caught up in this cycle, it becomes nearly impossible to shut off and find the restful sleep you deserve. This can lead to or exacerbate anxiety, depression, and insomnia, resulting in a vicious cycle of sleep deprivation. To learn more about the impacts of rumination and how to break free from its grip, continue reading.

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ADHD and Insomnia

Posted by Darian Dozier on Dec 27, 2021 8:00:00 AM

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impacts one's ability to pay attention, sit still, and control their impulses. This is normal diagnosed in childhood and persists into adulthood. The hyperactivity of ADHD can make sleeping very difficult and can even cause the onset of insomnia. Read below to see how ADHD can cause insomnia, and what are some ways to manage this for better sleep. 

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Non-24-hour Sleep-Wake Disorder

Posted by Darian Dozier on Dec 27, 2021 8:00:00 AM

Have you noticed that you don't go to sleep at the same time everyday, and that you seem to go to sleep later and later until you've hit a 24-hour sleep delay? This may sound confusing, but imagine one day you go to sleep at 10pm and then the next day at 11pm, and this continues until you find yourself going to sleep at 10pm again.

This is strange, and very abnormal, as our circadian rhythm actually helps us go to sleep at the same time everyday. If you are having trouble going to sleep everyday at the same time, then you may have non-24-hour sleep wake disorder (N24). Continue reading to find out more about it. 

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Topics: Sleep Disorders

Nyctophobia - The Fear of Darkness

Posted by Darian Dozier on Dec 20, 2021 8:00:00 AM

Nyctophobia is a mental health disorder, or anxiety disorder, that is the fear of darkness. This goes beyond children who are afraid of the dark. This phobia is extreme distress and fear of the darkness and night. These can cause feelings of anxiety and depression, and is so excessive or irrational, it impacts one's day-to-day.

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Topics: Sleep Disorders

What is Somniphobia and do I have it?

Posted by Darian Dozier on Dec 17, 2021 8:00:00 AM

Somniphobia is the fear of going to sleep. There is something about sleep that is distressing for an individual, and they spend the entire day stressed about going to sleep. There are varying causes for somniphobia, and as a mental health disorder, it's something that has to be worked out over time. Here is some more information about somniphobia so you can determine if you need to speak with your physician about your potential to be diagnosed with it. 

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Topics: Sleep Disorders

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