Good Sleep Starts Here

Exhausted After Work? Here May Be Why

Written by Darian Dozier | Aug 28, 2023 3:00:00 PM

An 8-hour work day can be absolutely exhausting. Do you ever feel like when you get home from work you are just so exhausted that you can't do anything else? Although being a little fatigued at the end of the day is normal, when it becomes so profound that you literally can't do anything else but just go straight to sleep, then it can start to ruin your quality of life. If your job is leaving you absolutely drained it may be because of the job, or it may be due to something else. Continue reading this article to figure out what may be the reason that you are so tired after work, and if there is anything that you need to do to try and increase your energy levels.

Signs that you are very tired after work

End-of-the-day fatigue is normal, but it's important to recognize when your fatigue is abnormal. This means that your fatigue is so great, that it severely interferes with your life. Signs that you are extremely tired after work, more than you should be, include:

  • having trouble controlling your emotions at the end of the day
  • trouble focusing your vision
  • difficulty making simple decisions
  • forgetfulness
  • extreme hunger
  • physical symptoms that mimic being sick
  • stress or feeling frazzled without an identifiable source
  • difficulty falling asleep at night even though you're exhausted

Causes of extreme work fatigue

There are many factors of your day that can impact your energy levels throughout the day. Prior to even starting the day, the type of sleep that you get the night before will greatly influence the energy levels you have for the following day. If you go to bed late, or you find yourself tossing and turning all night long, then you will not get the minimum recommended number of hours of sleep in order for you to have a productive day. If you are sleeping less than 7 to 8 hours a night, then the next day you might find yourself moody, irritable, unable to focus, and extremely exhausted by the end of the day because your body simply does not have enough gas in the tank.

In addition to being unable to fall asleep, mental health issues such as depression and anxiety can greatly influence your energy levels throughout the day. Depression is a mental health disorder that has low energy levels as one of its symptoms. If you are just extremely exhausted, and lethargic all day long, and have no idea why, it's probably because you may have some minimal or major depression. There are many other symptoms that go along with the depression diagnosis, so it's important to figure out if you are just tired, or if being tired is one of many other symptoms.

Feeling anxious can also interfere with sleep. Anxiety is both a feeling and a mental health diagnosis. If you have a short-term stressor, like a really big presentation the next day, then that can lead you to feeling some anxiety that evening that can prevent you from falling asleep. However if you always feel anxious, and you never feel like you can calm down and you always have these ruminating thoughts, then you may be experiencing an actual mental health illness. Regardless, experiencing either depression and/or anxiety can lead you to feeling completely pooped by the end of the day.

Working around many other people throughout the day can also lead you to feeling extremely exhausted by the time you get home. Being socially engaged the entire day can be exhausting, and also just having workplace stress can also lead to extreme fatigue. It is especially hard when you work in an environment in which you don't quite feel all the way comfortable. It can be an extra burden to have to be a different way at work than who you normally are. If your workplace is so stressful and toxic that you struggle to get through the day, then this could also be the source of your fatigue by the time you get home.

This is why it is important to have great work life balance because if you don't, then all the stress and fatigue from your job can truly make it hard for you to have any energy for anything else by the time you get home. Poor work life balance is also a cause of extreme fatigue at the end of the work day. This is when you do not put a firm barrier between your work life and your home life and you let your work life bleed into your personal life so much so that you do not actually have that much of a personal life. This can be compounded by physically and mentally demanding work as you never really get a true break and chance to recover. Taking few breaks throughout the day can further compound all of the stress that your job brings into your personal life.

Taking time to care for yourself is essential when you have this sort of work life balance issue and stressful job. However if you never do that, then it increases your chance for feeling more burnt out by the end of the day. It is important to take time for yourself throughout the day, and just throughout the year with breaks and mini vacations from work. However if you're not doing that, and you just work all the time and never take time to exercise, hang out with friends, do things that you enjoy, then your you will just burnout and struggle to do anything well in your life. 

Last, but certainly not least, one of the reasons that you could feel so tired is you are consuming too much caffeine and sugar. Both of these substances do provide you with an energy spike, but then also an energy crash. You could be experiencing this crash at the end of the day which is why you feel so exhausted when you get home. Although caffeine is great for stimulating you, it's more important to establish good habits that naturally increase your energy than giving yourself extra chemicals that will lead to a negative effect once that chemical runs out.

How to improve fatigue

If you resonated with any of the items above, then these are probably the reasons that you feel so tired when you get home from work. Here are a few things that you can do to help you reduce some of that stress and increase your energy levels when you get home.

Try to leave work at work. if you are always dragging work with you home then you never truly get a break from work. Creating boundaries and making sure that you don't let your two lives bleed together can really help you give yourself the break that you need from such a job.

Make sure your home is a nice and comforting space. If you leave a stressful job and then come home to a place where you just don't feel comfortable, then you may not get the full rest and recovery that you need. You want your home to feel like an oasis that you are happy to come to, and that provides you with a much needed stress relief.

Take time to do things that you love. If you are always just working then you will never get a chance to fill up the tank again. But by taking time to do things that you enjoy with people who you enjoy, then you will be able to refill yourself so that way you can bring more energy to your job.

Set a sleep schedule and try to get more sleep period sleep deprivation has profound effects on our lives and our ability to function. Therefore it is important that you are actually getting the recommended minimum number of hours of sleep which are 7 to 8 hours for an adult. If for some reason you are not getting the sleep and you are unsure why, then you can always reach out to our sleep health facility for answers. Simply click the orange button below to take a free online sleep test and get in contact with one of our sleep health experts.