5 Ways to Set Good Sleep Schedule

Posted by Tyler Britton on Jun 9, 2021 1:32:00 PM

5 Ways to set a good sleep schedule - Anchorage Sleep Center

Signs That You Aren’t Getting Enough Sleep

Summers and Winters in Alaska can both be hard on getting enough sleep. The extreme lighting conditions don’t provide the transition from light to dark and dark to light in the morning/evening that prompts us to get tired and wake up. Because of this, setting a good sleep routine can be extremely hard.

Some signs your sleep schedule isn’t working are:

  • Never feeling like you get enough sleep – can’t fall asleep, stay asleep, or wake up too early
  • General performance loss in many important areas of life (work, relationships, etc.)
  • Chronic daytime fatigue
  • Being unable to stay awake during the day
  • Sudden onset of sleep-readiness at an odd hour during the day
  • Uncharacteristic memory trouble
  • Concentration problems
  • Chronic brain fog
  • Chronic headaches in the morning
  • Increased anxiety that is not normal
  • Depression
  • Uncharacteristic mood troubles

If these symptoms hit or worsen during our winters and summers in Alaska, it may be related to a sleep disorder, such as insomnia and circadian rhythm disorders. If you feel this way all the time, then you have an issue with your sleep schedule. Continue reading for five ways to set a good sleep schedule. 

1 – Establish Strong Pre-Bedtime Routines (No Screens!)

Pre-bedtime routines are another way to trick your body into producing melatonin. Essentially, you are conditioning your body for sleep by using routines. Some routines can include:

  • Doing the same thing before bed every night – read a book, listen to a podcast, etc.
  • Cutting out blue light (TV, computers, smart phones) before bed
  • Using the same incense or essential oil before bed
  • Doing a specific calming activity, such as meditation, washing, etc.

Believe it or not, websites discussing setting routines for sleep training children are excellent resources. The same tools and techniques used for children often work on adults as well! You and your whole family could practice doing this together. 

2 – Use Best Drinking and Eating Habits for Sleep

Ways to improve sleep time and quality - Anchorage Sleep Center

Coffee and alcohol are enemies of sleep. Caffeine keeps you awake at night because it's a stimulant, and alcohol can interrupt your sleep architecture, leading to you feeling tired upon waking, even though you think you slept very deeply. Also, drinking many liquids before bed can lead to many nighttime wakings to use the bathroom. Therefore, you should probably avoid alcohol before bed, limit your total caffeine intake throughout the day, limit liquids right before bed and eat a healthy diet. 

3 – Take a Hot Bath Before Bed

Our body naturally prepares for sleep not just in response to light, but also in response to changes in temperature.

When there is a temperature drop, it clues our biological clock that night is coming and that we should start releasing melatonin. With central temperature control, this no longer happens, but we can simulate this change by taking a bath before bed. 

When you get out of a hot bath, your core body temperature drops (it heated up because you were in a hot bath), thus simulating what happens to temperatures at night. This drop in core temperature helps trick your body into thinking it’s time for bed.

4 –Get Exercise

There’s no doubt, the correlation between sleep and exercise is undeniable. Most of our jobs involve sitting most of the day. On top of that, there are chores to be done, food to be cooked, children to take care of, and a relationship to tend to. The bottom line is lives are busy, making finding time to exercise hard. 

Here are some tips to overcome that hardship:

  • Have small exercise routines you can do throughout the day ever couple of hours (pushups, situps, etc.)
  • Take a long walk/run during lunch
  • Commit to working out before work

Workouts don’t have to be long, but it probably isn't the best idea to do it before going to bed. When you workout, your heart rate goes up and so does your blood pressure. This is counterproductive for sleep and can actually worsen your sleep. 

5 – Set Up Good Sleep Environment

Setting up a good sleep environment is critical to your sleep schedule. Build your sleep environment so it is an oasis. This means a comfortable bed, a quiet, dark and clean room, and a comfortable pillow. even if you can't afford a new mattress, memory foam toppers can provide a lot of relief. Don't work in your room or do anything other than sleep or have sex. Your bedroom should be associated with relaxing activities only, and doing anything else can truly interfere with that.

Summary of Tips for Setting Sleep Routine

Here is a summary of best practices for setting a sleep routine:

  • Have blackout curtains in your room
  • Try and use your bedroom for only sleeping as much as possible (don’t work out, do work, etc.)
  • Keep your room cooler at night
  • Use essential oils, candles, and/or plants to make your room smell comforting/fresh
  • Invest in a comfortable pillow for your head and legs
  • Invest in a comfortable mattress (they are often on sale and they last a long time, after all)
  • Use white noise machines (i.e. a fan) or ear plugs if needed
  • Use light therapy during winter
  • Maintain pre-sleep ritual every night, such as reading, meditating, etc.
  • Consistent exercise
  • No blue light in the hour before bed
  • No alcohol in the hour before bed
  • No food in the hour before bed
  • Have a bedtime that you commit to as often as possible
  • Take hot baths before bed, as when you get out of the bath, it simulate a core temperature drop (i.e. night time is coming!) that is a cue for sleep

What to Do When These Sleep Practices Don’t Work

These sleep practices and tricks won’t work for everyone. Some situations require more than self-conditions or preparing. If you have tried everything, you might consider:

  • Consulting with your healthcare practitioner
  • Getting a sleep study
  • Consulting with a sleep specialist

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