Taking your life on the road but unsure how you're going to get a good night of sleep? Just because you are sleeping in a van or an RV doesn't mean your sleep has to suffer. Although it's different than sleeping in a house, doesn't make it impossible. There are quite a few things you can do to get a good night's rest in your van, so keep reading for six tips on how to improve sleep in a van.
Safety should be your number one priority. Parking somewhere unsafe could increase the risk for something bad to happen. This paranoia could lead to you struggling to actually get a good night's rest. Campgrounds and safe locations are ideal for you to feel safe enough to doze off. However, random parking lots, alleys, or streets could lead to unsafe situations for sleeping.
If you feel anxious about where you are parked, then you can do some things to improve the safety of your van. Blackout curtains are great ways to reduce the amount of visibility into your van, while also blocking out light. Also, making sure that you have easy access to the lock and unlock button can help increase your feelings of security.
It's very difficult to get a good night's rest when your head and feet are at different levels. This happens when you park on an uneven surface. If the level is too off, then you could find yourself really fighting gravity and trying not to fall off the bed.
Before deciding on parking, get out and look at the site to make sure you will be parked on a level surface. Then, climb inside your van to make sure that your body can rest comfortably on the mattress without swaying to one side or the other.
The best way to feel comfortable with falling asleep is to have a space that feels familiar. This means using the same bed every single night. You can personalize this space by having a great mattress, bedding, and pillows that really help make the space cozy for you.
Customizing your space is great for creating a soothing environment that helps you fall asleep. If you are sleeping in a bland van with a mattress thrown on the floor in the back, you may not feel as at home as if you had some personal touches to your space, like a bedroom. You also want to make sure that the space fits you. If you are a taller person, configure the mattress so that you fit. If you are a person that gets hot often, find a way to circulate air so that you can breathe and get a good night's sleep. Find ways to make sure that the space fits you.
Unfortunately, when sleeping in a van, you may not have control over the amount of noise that you experience, or light. But, reducing these elements are important as darkness, coldness, and quietness are the three keys to an optimal sleep environment. In order to make this happen in that type of environment, you can add white noise apps, ear plugs, blackout curtains, and eye mask.
Temperature is really important when it comes to helping you stay asleep throughout the night. The body temperature drops throughout the night and the room temperature needs to match. Most vans don't have A/C that runs without the van running. Therefore, you'll have to cool your van as much as possible before bed time. You can run the A/C for about 20-30 minutes before going to bed so you can at least fall asleep in a cool environment. Breathable sheets and blackout curtains can help to keep the van cool and insulate the air, especially when it is hot outside. You can also invest in cooling pillows and heat shields.
If you struggle with falling asleep in your van and are concerned that you may have a sleep issue, then please click the orange button below to take a free online sleep test and talk with one of our sleep health professionals.