Good Sleep Starts Here

How to Design the Ideal Bedroom for Sleep

Written by Darian Dozier | Mar 16, 2022 7:04:00 PM

Your bedroom has to be more than just a bed and some pillows for you to get optimal sleep. It needs to be an oasis of peace and relaxation. That doesn't mean that you need fountains in the corner or windchimes above your bed. It can fit your budget, time and input, but at the end of the day, your bedroom needs to stimulate peace. Continue reading to find out how to design the ideal bedroom for sleep. 

Sleeping environment 

Your bedroom setting is vital to getting consistent sleep. Sleep is important because the recommended number of hours is 7-8 per night for adults. Without consistently getting this number, you are at risk for sleep deprivation and all the other health issues that accompany it, including lack of focus, heart disease, diabetes, mood dysregulation, depression and anxiety and many other ailments. 

Falling asleep easily and staying asleep are key to good sleep hygiene, which is a measure of how well you sleep. Cultivating  a relaxing ambiance for sleep involves both visual design and practical sleep, including lighting, sound and smell. Considering these elements of your sleep setting can help you create your ideal bedroom for optimal sleep. 

Visual design of your bedroom 

Interior design is a broad concept, but a core component is establishing the look and feel of your home. For your bedroom, you can develop an interior design that not only reflects your personal style but also induces a sense of calm that can promote sleep. 

Warm, Appealing colors 

Your walls, floors, furniture and bedding all factor into the color scheme of your bedroom. It's important to emphasize colors that make you feel at ease during bedtime. For most people, these are softer, warmer colors, but you can pick the colors that most appeal to you. 

If you are a renter, or have a small budget, it may not be feasible to completely redo the color scheme in your bedroom. However, you can creatively accent certain wall colors with well-placed bedding, a rug or wall art that helps you feel at ease. 

Good colors to include are blues, greens, and yellows, colors that don't excite your brain and cause you to have reduced brain activity. Exciting colors like red and bright oranges, or neons can have the opposite effect. 

Usable and appealing layout 

No matter how much space you have to work with, you want to avoid feeling cramped. Start by choosing a mattress size that fits without being too snug. Using vertical space or underbed storage can make the most of even a small bedroom. Freeing up floor space can create more room for handy furniture like a nightstand, to give the room an airier feel. 

As you design your bedroom, try to make every action you'll do there free of frustration. Organizing your drawers makes it easier to get ready in the morning and having a clear path through your room can help you feel less stress, therefore promoting an environment of peace. 

Reduce clutter 

Visual clutter can generate stress, which is a known barrier to quality sleep. Disorganized items in your room may increase the feeling of having too many loose ends, creating anxious feelings that may make it harder to relax your mind when you want to fall asleep. 

You don't need to have your room organized down to the last sock, but by spending a few minutes a day picking up unnecessary clutter, you can help reduce its risk of building up and feeling too overwhelming to deal with. 

Feeling like home 

Your bedroom should be the welcoming place at the end of a long day. If you've had a good or bad day, your bedroom should be a place where you feel like you're right at home and are at a place of undwinding. The best way to create this feeling is very personal. Possibilities including displaying pictures of close friends and family, cherished objects that are reminders of favorite memories, or meaningful art or posters on the walls. These personal touches don't have to be fancy or cost a lot of money. The important part is that they are important to you. 

Practical design to promote sleep 

In addition to cultivating your visual design, the practical setup of your bedroom can directly impact how well you sleep. The goal of these approaches is to make your sleep environment a great place for physical and mental relaxation with very few distractions or potential sleep disruptions. 


Light is the most powerful cue of your circadian rhythm, part of your biological clock that helps regulate when you sleep. When it's time for bed, you want to try and make your bedroom as dark as possible to reinforce a healthy circadian rhythm. Light can lead to early disruption of melatonin release. Melatonin is a hormone that helps to induce sleep. 

Blackout curtains can help if your bedroom receives a lot of light from the exterior. Street lamps, car lights, and the sun are all sources of light that can interrupt your sleep. 

Electronics is another source of light including televisions, phones, laptops, tablets, etc. It's important for your sleep environment that you reduce exposure to them near bedtime due to their release of blue light. Blue light also interrupts the flow of melatonin, as well as activate your mind, both of which can make it harder for you to fall and stay asleep. 


External noise can cause many awakenings, and these disruptions have been tied to reduced levels of both sleep quality and overall health. If outside noise is beyond your control, a white noise machine may help to drown out some of these noises. You can also set up speakers to play comforting music, which many people use as a way to make their bedroom more suitable for falling asleep. 


Having the right scent in your bedroom can help fall asleep. While odors don't usually cause people to wake up from sleep, they can help induce a sense of relaxation for getting quality rest. Studies have found that aromatherapy with essential oils like lavender can promote relaxation and make it easier to go to sleep and get quality rest. 


Your bedroom temperature should be comfortable, usually between 60-71 degrees Fahrenheit. Excess heat can disrupt sleep so most experts suggest erring on the side of a cooler bedroom. 

If you don't have a thermostat to precisely control the temperature of your bedroom, you can use a fan or, depending on the season, open a window to adjust the temperature. 

Air quality 

Air quality may not be the first thing that comes to mind when setting up your bedroom, but it's important for your health. Ventilation and fresher air is associated with better sleep and problems like mold buildup have been correlated with insomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness. 

Proper ventilation and avoidance of excess humidity can combat mold growth and regular cleaning can dramatically cut down on dust mites. If you have issues with allergies, you can ask your doctor for recommendations about reducing allergens and/or using hypoallergenic bedding or an air purifier. 

Mattress and bedding

Your bed is very important in determining the level of comfort and relaxation that your sleeping environment holds. Your mattress should be well-built and comfortable, meaning that it meets your personal firmness preference. It should also be supportive and provide appropriate pressure point relief to suit your body weight and sleeping position. 

A new mattress can be very expensive, but it can improve sleep and decrease stress and back pain. In addition to the mattress, pillows, sheets and blankets also play an important role in making the bed comfortable and inviting. pillows can prevent neck pain by keeping your head and spine properly aligned. Bedding can create a soft and cozy feelings while helping to manage your body temperature. Regularly washing your bedding keeps your bed feeling fresh and reduces potential buildup of dust and allergens.