Good Sleep Starts Here

Tips for Feeling Truly Rested

Written by Darian Dozier | Oct 12, 2023 3:49:00 AM

Do you ever feel like you follow all the advice on this site, and the advice of the people around you, but you still can't get a good night's rest? It can be extremely frustrating, and even disheartening to do everything possible for a better night's rest, and still wake up exhausted.

Did you know there are different types of fatigue? Understanding exactly what is draining your battery can help you recharge correctly. Continue reading to learn more about setting boundaries, recharging, and finally getting a good night's rest. 

Different types of rest

Although we talk about sleep like it's a homogenous process, there are actually different types of rest that target various areas of our lives. Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith wrote the book "Sacred Rest: Recover your Life, Renew Your Energy, Renew Your Sanity" where she discussed her research regarding seven different types of rest. 

All rest is not the same, according to this physician. Sleep and rest are not the same thing, and humans need to recharge mentally, socially, physically, creatively, emotionally, spiritually, and sensorily. Essentially, there are similar to the various dimensions of wellness where you must attend to each aspect that makes up a human. 

Once she was able to identify the different types of rest, she could begin creating steps towards achieving each one. Of course, these are different from person to person, but her work at least provided a foundation for customization and individualization. 

There's a process of self-discovery for determining which type of rest works for you, and how you can best incorporate it into your life. So, even though it can be frustrating going through the process of finding out what works for you, you learn a lot about yourself by going through it. 

The first step is to determine which type of rest you need most. This can be accomplished by taking a "rest quiz" that she developed. It takes about ten minutes and can help you identify the areas of your life that need the most nurturing. You can also just reflect on your day and determine where you are expending the most energy. That can also help you determine what parts of your life need more rest. 

If you are an artist, for example, you may expend a lot of your creative energy. Therefore, when you are outside of work, you'll want to rest those creative portions of you so you can do your best work without feeling burnt out. Below are some ways to incorporate this rest into your life once you determine what it is that you need. 

Start small 

All great changes start with small steps. It's unrealistic to make major changes and expect them to be easy or consistent. Getting the rest that you need does not mean taking a sabbatical or a large vacation. These options may not be accessible to everyone and don't allow you to incorporate rest into your daily functioning for a sustainable experience. 

Find small ways to incorporate change into your life. For example, Dr. Dalton-Smith sometimes feels like she holds a lot of tension in her neck. Therefore, throughout the day, she'll do a couple of shoulder shrugs to stay loose. These are very small actions that allow her to check in with her body and provide her muscles a bit of relief. 

Don't overthink what it means to rest. Resting just means providing a temporary break. If you are mentally drained, watch something fun on your phone. If you are physically drained, sit for a moment. Little things throughout the day that allow you to check in with yourself, and provide yourself with what you need for a moment. 

Set boundaries 

One important aspect of getting good sleep is to set boundaries. This can be very hard for some people which can lead you to feeling overbook, overwhelmed, and with too much on your plate. However, you have to stand up for yourself and demand you-time whenever it's necessary. This will require you to hurt some feelings, let some people down, and not be there for them in ways that you once were. But, you can't pour from an empty cup, and taking time to recharge before putting energy into someone else is vital. 

Fear and guilt can lead us down people-pleasing rabbit holes. Those who need emotional rest may attest to these emotions, and could benefit the most from setting boundaries. Practice saying no to things you really don't want to do, or choosing between two things to give yourself enough time for a rebound. Again, this is going to be hard, especially if you've never done it. But it's vital for your survival. 

Asses where your energy levels start 

When you wake up in the morning, are you alert and awake before your alarm, or are you consistently hitting snooze? This is important because it indicates how restful your sleep was. If you slept all night, but still wake up tired, then something could be going on. If you are struggling to fall asleep, or get in bed at a decent time, then you might not be receiving the minimum number of hours of sleep. These are all things to notice because they will help you identify the key issue preventing your sleep from being restful. 

If you find yourself running out of time each day, or working right up until bedtime, you may be overbooking yourself and underestimating how much time certain tasks take you. When learning to schedule your day, be a bit more generous, be sure to schedule in breaks or mess around time, and account for delays. This may not allow you to get as much done in one day, but you'll have better time over your schedule. 

Wind down before bed 

Humans are not designed to go 60 to 0. This means that you can't work right up until bed and then conk out and get restful sleep. Even if you do manage to go to sleep, you might still be ruminating, stressed out, and not getting good sleep. 

Instill wind down time before bed. This is time for you to spend with your family, stretch, meditate, read, and have alone time with your partner, all without interfering with your ability to sleep. Avoid phones, checking your email, electronics, and vigorous exercise during this time. You don't want to be stimulated before going to sleep as it can make it harder to go to sleep. Scheduling this time, or having an absolute cut-off time for work can assist you in accomplishing this. 

Diet and exercise 

Winding down is a good start, but what you do during the day can have profound effects on the type of sleep you get. Having a good diet that consists of mostly vegetables and fruits and lean protein can help curb hunger and avoid a sugar crash in the middle of the night. 

Getting exercise everyday is good for your overall health, but can have a positive impact on sleep. Trying various diets, like the Mediterranean diet, has benefits for both sleep and your health. Metabolic diseases like heart disease and diabetes can benefit from diets like intermittent fasting and calorie restriction.  

Learning to get the adequate rest that you need takes time, but it's vital for your overall wellbeing. Click the orange button below to take a free online sleep test and talk with one of our sleep health professionals as soon as possible.