Good Sleep Starts Here

Sleep Difficulties and Sunday Scaries

Written by Darian Dozier | Jul 5, 2023 4:09:00 PM

Going back to work on Monday can induce a feeling of dread, anxiety, and what some refer to as Sunday Scaries. This can make falling asleep on Sunday difficult for many, which is indicated by the number of individuals who have more trouble falling as sleep on Sunday compared to any other day. Continue reading to find out more about why Sunday is so scary, and what you can do to overcome those anxious feelings. 

The intimidation of Sundays

Sunday scaries aren't unique to a specific group. In fact, Sunday was ranked as the hardest day to fall asleep for both men and women, and all ages except for the older generations. 

Sunday scaries refer to the reluctance of starting a new week, especially after only have a day or two to truly relax. Whether one is going to work or school, they experience these same feelings that are similar to a type of performance anxiety, like before a test or a presentation. This stress can lead to insomnia and a very poor night of sleep, which makes the following Monday even more difficult as sleep deprivation leads to trouble with memory, focus, and other important functions for a productive start to the week. 

Factors influencing sleep anxiety and stress 

The top three reasons that sleepers struggled on Sundays is that they worried about the next day, their job or employment situation, and family. The anticipation of the responsibilities of Monday can lead to rumination over the things that need to happen Monday mornings for it to be a good day. 

Trouble sleeping on Sunday can lead to less sleep, about six hours and forty-seven minutes, to be exact. This could be due to the relationship between stress and sleep. Stress from the work week prevents sleep, and sleep deprivation increases stress which can just lead to a vicious, never-ending cycle. 

Not everyone experienced this change in sleep, however. Most students actually got more sleep Sunday evening as compared to other nights of the week. However, 18-24 year olds still said that Sunday was the hardest day to fall asleep, with 55% attributing the cause to school and studies. 

Tips for overcoming Sunday scaries 

The first tip for overcoming Sunday scaries is to plan out your week. This can reduce some of the anxiety as you have an approach for handling all that must be done. Not only can this approach help you be more productive, it also takes those thoughts out of your head and puts them somewhere else so you can get a good night of sleep. 

Prioritizing sleep hygiene is also another tip for overcoming the Sunday scaries. Don't deviate from your routine, and continue trying to go to sleep and wake up at the same time, even on the weekends. Really focusing on your sleep hygiene and doing activities that help you relax can improve your ability to sleep on Sunday nights. 

Do something you really enjoy. Spend your downtime on the weekends watching your favorite show, going to your favorite cafe, anything that brings you joy and removes those anxious thoughts from your direct focus. Use the weekend as a way to recharge for the week.

If you are having trouble sleeping, and you think it may be due to more than just the Sunday scaries, then please click the orange button below to take a free online sleep test and talk with one of our sleep health professionals.