Good Sleep Starts Here

Improving Your Sleep When You Travel For Work

Written by Darian Dozier | Dec 21, 2022 9:41:00 PM

Maintaining a sleep routine can be extremely difficult when you travel for work. Whether it's traveling between time zones, having to sleep on the go, or getting used to new sleeping environments, getting good sleep while traveling is nearly impossible.

However, there are a few tips that you can try to make sure that your sleep isn't entirely disrupted. After all, if you are traveling for work, you still need a sharp mind in order to do your job, and a tired brain definitely isn't a sharp brain. Continue reading to find out how to get good sleep while traveling for your work! 

1. The Two-Day Rule 

Your body takes about two days to adjust to a new schedule. It may be tempting to try and change your schedule to match where you are, but if you are gone for less than two days, then you should try and stick to your home schedule. It's going to be more of a hassle trying to acclimate to your travel schedule and then back to your home schedule in such a short time. 

Ask for meetings and appointments to be adjusted around your time, as much as possible, so you do not completely throw off your schedule. If you are going to be gone longer than two days, then it's okay to try and adjust to the schedule of where you are. 

2. Have the right sleep necessities 

When you are packing, it's essential to make sure that you pack everything that you need so that way you aren't stressed. Stress during a trip can make it hard to relax enough to go to sleep. But, if you make a list and pack everything that you need, then you don't have to worry about running to the store for something that you need. A mind at ease is one that can get some great sleep. If you also use accessories like night masks, white sound machines, etc., make sure to pack those as well. 

3. Create positive sleep routines and remove screens 

Even when you are on the road, it's important to make sure that you create positive sleep routines and remove all the screens from your sleeping area. You may be tempted to work in your bed and up until it's time to go to bed, but this is very damaging to your sleep routine. 

Take a few minutes before going to bed to read a book, journal, take a relaxing shower, or meditating. Anything that you can do to relax yourself as much as possible. You should work at your desk and stay out of your bed so your brain only associates your bed with relaxation and rest. 

4. Sleep strategically 

It is important to get at least seven to nine hours of sleep the day before traveling so that way you start off traveling the right way. So often, we have such a tough time getting sleep the night before traveling because we are running around doing last minute things. Avoid this and plan early, then plan your sleep around your travel time so you are not traveling with a tired body and initiating your trip with poor sleep. 

5. Don't overdo the caffeine 

Coffee and caffeine can be super important for helping you fight the midday slump, but it's important to reduce your intake while traveling for business. Limit yourself to one or two cups a day, and try not to drink any past three in the afternoon so that way you can go to bed without an interruptions. If you drink it too late, then you may find yourself having trouble getting to sleep because of how long caffeine can stay in your body. 

6. Workout 

It can be so tempting to skip the gym while traveling, however, it can greatly help your quality of sleep. If you have trouble sleeping on trips, then you may need the extra boost. You also may feel a sense of normalcy by hopping in the gym for about 30 minutes. Try finding a gym or using your hotel room as a quick space to drum up some cardio. Then you'll feel great when you go to bed. 

7. Understand your sleep chronotype 

Waking up earlier does not make you a better business person or human. When you align yourself to your natural chronotype, even while traveling, then you don't fight your body's natural inclination towards waking up and going to sleep at a certain time. If you are an early bird, continue going to sleep and waking up early. If you are a night owl, then allow yourself to stay up later and wake up later. You want to try your hardest to continue sleeping how your body best sleeps.