Good Sleep Starts Here

How Going Vegan Can Affect Sleep

Written by Darian Dozier | Jul 15, 2023 6:07:00 AM

The interest in vegan and plant-based diets has increased tremendously over the past few years. From athletes to business professionals, everyone has their own reason for pursuing this new diet. There are a variety of reasons, like beliefs, dietary necessity, weight loss goals, and a genuine interest to see how your body may transform. But did you know that going vegan can actually help you with your sleep? Continue reading to learn five benefits of going vegan. 


Less Vivid Dreams

Vivid dreaming is a state of dreaming where dreamers may feel like their dreams are real. Almost as if they are acting out their dreams. These dreams can be distressing as many of them revolve around anxieties, intense themes, and distressing feelings. Vivid dreaming is commonly associated with tryptophan, an amino acid that is involved in the creation of serotonin. It is found in foods like lamb, cheese, milk, eggs and fish. Avoiding these types of foods while going vegan could mean less vivid dreaming that disturbs your sleep throughout the night. It's important to note that a sudden increase in vitamin B6, which is in many vegetables, can lead to a short-term increase in these vivid dreams. Past this, many sleepers may benefit from this dietary change. 

Reduced Sleep Latency 

Sleep latency is the time that it takes you to fall asleep. Vitamin B12 is in many leafy green vegetables and is a key vitamin for regulating your sleep-wake cycles. This means that it can help you feel sleep at night and more alert and energized during the day. Good levels of B12 have been linked to lower instances of insomnia, which means that being vegan could make it much easier for you to fall asleep. Other sources of B12 other than meat also include fortified cereals, plant-based meat alternatives, and other foods. It's important to have a well-rounded diet that ensures you get the proper amount of Vitamin B12 to avoid issues like anemia

Reduce Nighttime Wakings 

In addition to falling asleep faster, staying asleep is also another benefit of a vitamin B12 diet. This may be due to the fact that vegan diets are often lower in sugar than traditional diets. High carbohydrate and high sugar diets are linked to increased sleep disturbances, partly due to trouble digesting sugar. This can lead to stomach pains, indigestion, and sugar crashes that drop the blood sugar in interrupt sleep throughout the night. Soy is also a common ingredient in vegan diets and is associated with less broken sleep. Foods like miso, edamame, and tofu are all vegan options high in soy. 

Vegan Diets Improve Mood 

There is a tight link between mood and sleep disturbances. Those with anxiety and depression often have sleep issues, such as insomnia. Also, insomnia and a lack of quality sleep can increase feelings of anxiety and depression, leading to a viscous cycle of worsening problems. However, those who go to sleep in better moods are more likely to have an improvement in their sleep. Diet can be linked to mood, and improving your diet can improve your sleep quality and quantity. Vegan diets have so many nutrients that they all can boost your mood and lower your stress levels. 

Better Overall Sleep Cycle

Your sleep cycle is linked to what you are eating. Some foods can interrupt your sleep if eaten in excess. This includes foods like protein. They can take a toll on your body because of how much time it takes to break them down. If you eat too close to bedtime, then your digestive system is still working while you're supposed to be getting ready for bed. Vegans may have better sleep because the protein they are consuming may not be as complex due to not coming from animal products. It's important that if you are going to follow a vegan diet, you consume enough protein as they are vital in various bodily functions.

Before beginning any major dietary changes, it's important to check in with your doctor to ensure that these are safe practice. If you're curious about how this diet could impact your ability to sleep, please click the orange button below to take a free online sleep test and talk with one of our sleep health professionals.,and%20awake%20during%20the%20day.