Good Sleep Starts Here

When should you replace your mattress?

Written by Darian Dozier | Feb 2, 2023 4:27:00 AM

Sleep is one of the most vital pieces of human health. It is necessary for almost all bodily functions to run optimally, and without it, there are so many things we can't do. Our bodies turn into "low battery mode" and simply focus on getting us through the day. But, when we get great sleep, then we are able to accomplish so much because we feel good, motivated, and well-rested. 

One barrier to getting good sleep may actually be our mattress. If we are sleeping on an old, lumpy and uncomfortable mattress, then no matter how much time we spend in bed, it doesn't matter. Our bodies flop around all night trying to find a comfortable position to lie in. If this sounds like you, then it may be time to replace your mattress. Continue reading to find out if you have a couple of years left, or if you're overdue for a new set of springs. 

Generalities of a mattress 

Before diving into the specifics of your mattress, there are some general rules when it comes to the life of your mattress. The first is its lifespan. The average mattress lasts about 6-8 years. So, if you're going on year 10 with the same mattress, it's definitely time to start shopping around for a new one. 

Another factor that should encourage you to get a new mattress is if it's just uncomfortable. This discomfort can be caused by a few different factors. The most obvious is how it feels. If you aren't comfortable when you lie in it, then it's probably worn out. You can get a good gauge by laying in other beds and seeing if you feel more comfort than your own bed. 

Also, if your bed is very saggy or damaged in certain areas, then it's time for a newone. This can make it hard to get in and out of bed, and if your partner gets in the bed, then it can throw off the equilibrium and send one rolling into one side and completely disrupt your sleep. Loud noises, such as noisy springs or creaking hardware is also a sign that it may be time to get a new bed. 

Last, but not least, if your sleep quality is poor and you have new side effects after sleeping, then it's definitely time to get a new bed. These side effects include new allergies that don't exist at other times of the day, and any muscle or joint pain from poor sleeping. The positions in which you sleep greatly impact you more than you may think. And if your bed is releasing dust and allergens then it's time to consider something new. 

Factors determining the lifespan 

The 6-8 year rule is definitely a general rule that does not apply to every single mattress. there are other factors that play a key role in how long a mattress lasts and if it's truly time for a new one. 

One is the mattress material. Lower-quality innerspring and all-foam mattresses have the shortest life spans as they are prone to sagging and body impressions respectively. Hybrid mattresses can also have these issues, but because they are generally more expensive and made with better products, they are more durable. Latex mattresses are the most durable and can last the full 8 years. 

Depending on the material, some ways to predict durability include looking for a lower coil gauge in innerspring and hybrid mattresses, and looking for higher foam densities in foam mattress. FInally, natural latex lasts longer than synthetic latex. 

Maintenance and care is also a determining factor. If you take care of it, it will last longer. this means rotating it every 3 months or so and using a mattress protector. 

The size and weight of the sleepers can also impact the durability of the mattress. The total weight of the bed can will influence the rate that the mattress degrades and heavier sleepers may have a mattress that degrades faster than lighters leepers. Beds with couples may have beds that break down faster than single sleepers. Add in children and pets and you are looking to replace mattresses closer to the 6 years side than the 8. 

Is a new mattress worth the money? 

The biggest hold up when deciding to buy a new mattress is the cost. It can be quite the barrier to pulling the trigger, especially if it's not at the top of the priority list. However, for most situations, a new mattress is absolutely worth the money. There are so many benefits to getting a good night's sleep, that you may actually improve productivity and motivation throughout the day which can lead to more money and success in your day to day. 

A new mattress leads to improved sleep, reduced aches and pains, reduced motion transfer, and reduced allergies and asthma. All of these may end up costing more money down the road in lost wages, hospital bills, and other negative impacts of sleep deprivation. 

It may be tempting to save the money, but if your sleep is being that heavily impacted, then it's not worth it. If you continue having trouble sleeping after getting a new mattress, then you may have an underlying sleep disorder. Please click the orange button below and take a free online sleep test and talk with one of our sleep health professionals.