Good Sleep Starts Here

Should I Buy a CPAP Sanitizer?

Written by Tyler Britton | Apr 24, 2021 7:52:00 PM

For those of you who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine on a nightly basis, you may be considering whether or not to purchase a CPAP cleaner. CPAP, short for continuous positive airway pressure, is a type of therapy used to treat breathing problems that occur as a result of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Because those diagnosed with the disorder experience segments of breathing cessation during sleep, CPAP machines have been known to successfully keep the airway open by gently blowing pressurized air through the airway. This constant pressure keeps the throat from collapsing.

After someone with sleep apnea has participated in a sleep study, and has been told that he or she would benefit from CPAP therapy, the individual must obtain a CPAP machine. Once the individual has learned how to operate it, results are best achieved if the machine is used on a nightly basis.

As a result of the frequent use of the CPAP machine, knowing how to keep the device clean is of the utmost importance. Not sanitizing your CPAP machine could have dangerous side effects. Continue reading to learn more about how to keep you CPAP clean and functioning.

What Happens if I Don't Clean my CPAP Machine?

If you don't take the time to properly clean your CPAP machine, you must understand that you are breathing in whatever is circulated through your device. If bacteria or mold accumulates inside of your machine, you directly inhale the particles into your lungs.

If you don't clean your CPAP machine, you could be at risk for:

  • Exposure to bacteria and mold
  • Exposure to germs found in the tubing
  • Development of allergies
  • Increased risk for sinus infections
  • Increased risk for pneumonia

In addition, your CPAP machine will likely produce a foul odor if you neglect to clean it after a certain amount of time. Not cleaning your device will also lead to a premature breakdown that is likely not covered by your insurance.

How to Keep Your Machine Clean

Knowing exactly how to maintain the cleanliness of your CPAP machine is essential if you are a CPAP device owner. If you own a machine, you have two choices to make regarding your CPAP cleaning habits:

  1. Clean your machine by hand
  2. Purchase a CPAP sanitizer

Cleaning a CPAP machine by hand isn't difficult, but it does take more time than using a CPAP sanitizer. If you opt to clean your machine by hand, you might choose to do so because you don't want to deal with an extra machine or you don't want to spend extra money. However, many individuals do choose to wash their machine daily to maintain the maximum cleanliness of their device. By using a soft cloth, warm water, and mild antibacterial dish soap, you can disassemble and wash out your CPAP machine yourself.

Choosing a CPAP Sanitizer

Many individuals who opt for a CPAP sanitizer choose to do so because they have failed to clean their machine on a daily basis and have suffered adverse effects. Others can anticipate that their lives are too busy to add an extra chore to the list. It is certainly true that CPAP sanitizers save time for those with sleep apnea.

There are two major CPAP sanitizers on the market that are widely advertised and used. The first is a SoClean device. These run at approximately $299 and reportedly kills 99.9% of bacteria found in the CPAP masking, tubing, and water reservoirs. However, the concern of the residual smell of ozone resulting from the usage of the SoClean device. Ozone exposure can be dangerous for those who suffer from respiratory conditions.

The other popular CPAP sanitizer of choice is the Lumin. These cleaners run slightly less expensive than the SoClean devices at $249 per machine and promise to kill 99% of bacteria using UV light. The major complaint with this machine is that it produces an unpleasant odor and that the UV method of cleaning may accelerate the aging process of plastics within the CPAP machine being cleaned.

Making Your Decision

As you weigh your decision of whether or not you should buy a CPAP sanitizer, understand that cleaning your machine by hand is as effective, if not more, as using a CPAP sanitizing machine. Using the SoClean or Lumin device will save you time, but not cleanliness if you are a diligent cleaner.

However, if you do not have extra time at night or know that cleaning your CPAP machine on a daily basis is unrealistic, investing in a CPAP cleaner might be the best way to ensure that your CPAP machine is staying clean. Ultimately, your health is the most important factor to consider.

If you have further questions regarding sleep disorders or CPAP therapy, sleep specialists at the Anchorage Sleep Center are ready and available to provide answers. Call (907) 743-0050 or email for more information.